Floating Toolbox( Floating Launcher ) is a shortcut application similar to Samsung Galaxy S5 Toolbox.Floating Toolbox gives you access to your apps from anywhere by pressing the Floating button.- Add applications to Floating Toolbox by long pressing the Floating icon or press the launcher icon.- Add infinite applications to Floating Toolbox - Drag the Floating Toolbox icon anywhere on screen.- Change Floating Toolbox size.- Hide on launch feature(from list)- Change Floating Toolbox transparency.- Enable/disable animation.- Enable/disable vibration.- Sort applications.- Option to hide Floating Toolbox.- Option to Hide on landscape rotate.- Option to Hide Floating Toolbox by long press.- Change Floating Toolbox color.- Show Floating Toolbox On lock screen.- Toggles - Home Button , GPS , Bluetooth , Rotate , Light , Hide Floating Toolbox and Remove Floating Toolbox.